Aircraft aerodynamics  

Course Contents After a short recap on inviscid flow the first part of the course deals with boundary layer theory. Topics addressed are: the laminar boundary layer, the transition process, the turbulent boundary layer, laminar and turbulent flow separation, the separation bubble, lift and drag. The second part of the course starts with general information on drag, useful for the aerodynamic design of aircraft. The course continues with the analysis and design of single and multi-component airfoils, illustrated by examples of CFD analyses and windtunnel experiments. Special topics like winglets, high lift systems, flow control and propeller propulsion for sustainable aircraft applications will be treated as well. Some aerodynamic analysis and design codes will be demonstrated during the course. Study Goals The course is designed to provide the student with the basic theoretical and experimental tools for the aerodynamic design of aircraft. At the end the student will be able to apply basic aerodynamics concepts as well as some usefull design codes.
Aircraft aerodynamics

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